Anchorage, AK Integrative Oncology Services

Have you or a loved one been recently diagnosed with cancer and seek guidance or a new direction in your cancer care? Are you looking for advice in determining top cancer therapies inside Alaska, the US, and overseas? Have you seen out-of-state integrative cancer centers advertising holistic treatment options, and you would like an unbiased opinion on their validity? Dr. Jason Harmon can help you navigate your options and assist you in putting together a world-class medical team in Anchorage, Alaska, or abroad if needed.

Schedule a treatment guidance appointment with Dr. Harmon to discuss your integrative oncology services options and the best therapies available today globally, both conventional and integrative cancer therapy. Dr. Harmon’s 22 years of working in Alaska, across the US, and around the globe in integrative oncology allows for a unique and impactful contribution when deciding on what therapies are best suited for your specific cancer. These appointments are for 60 minutes. It is crucial to provide all appropriate medical documents (office visit notes, pathology notes, scan results, etc.) at least three days before the visit so Dr. Harmon can be prepared and maximize the quality of your consultation.

Starting integrative oncology services and would like an integrative cancer specialist on your team?

Do you need help with side effect prevention after integrative oncology services, optimization of conventional therapies, assurance that natural/integrative therapies will not interfere with your other medical treatments, help to rebuild the body during and after treatment, etc.?

Schedule a medical appointment with Dr. Harmon to examine your entire body and optimize your outcomes and health during and after integrative oncology services. Our goal is to help you thrive during treatment and to rebuild a better you afterward. In cases where long-term or lifelong treatment is required, Dr. Harmon works to help you support your body and optimize your health to best fight your cancer, improve your quality of life, and feel better. He provides a complete assessment of your cancer diagnosis, treatment options, treatment side effect reduction, addresses the entire body’s health, and provides guidance to optimize:

Conventional and integrative cancer therapy assessment and recommendations

Integrative oncology services navigation options for treatments that are available in Alaska, the US, and abroad.

Reduction of side effects from cancer therapy. 

Diet and nutrition

Genetic assessment to individualize the best medicines for you during and after treatment.

Additional services for patients living with or rebuilding after cancer:

Physical medicine. Body pain? 

Mental health services. If needed, meet with a psychiatric nurse practitioner skilled in medication intervention for you or those impacted by a cancer diagnosis.

Diet and nutrition consult. Meet with a dietician in creating meal plans to build optimal health for those diagnosed with cancer. Whole foods, excellent proteins and fats, and fibre-rich carbs will be infused into your diet plan.

Genetic guidance for foods and health. Target gene-specific nutrients, vitamins, medications, and foods with our specialist with over 30 years in the field of medicine.

Primary care services that incorporate the whole body. Avante has some of Alaska’s most experienced practitioners.

Preventative Skin Checks – Skin Cancer Screenings

A thorough skin exam by a board-certified dermatologist is your best line of defense in detecting cancer before it spreads or becomes more difficult to treat. During this appointment, Dr. Miller will examine your skin surface head-to-toe and discuss any abnormalities she sees. Oftentimes, when an abnormality is discovered, Dr. Miller will numb the area, remove the skin tissue, and send for a biopsy to rule out the presence of cancerous cells.

Everyone should perform regular skin self-exams to detect skin cancer early when it’s most treatable. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends that everyone learn the ABCDEs of melanoma:

ABCDEs of Melanoma

  • A is for Asymmetry: One half of the mole does not match the other half.
  • B is for Border irregularity: The edges are ragged, notched, or blurred.
  • C is for Color that varies from one area to another.
  • D is for Diameter: While melanomas are usually greater than 6mm (the size of a pencil eraser) when diagnosed, they can be smaller.
  • E is for Evolving: A mole or skin lesion that looks different from the rest or is changing in size, shape, or color.

Make an appointment with a board-certified dermatologist if you notice new or suspicious spots on your skin, or anything changing, itching, or bleeding. You should also get regular skin checks if you have a family history of skin cancer.

How to find a board-certified specialist in oncology

Contact Dr. Jason Harmon today to book your consultation appointment! You can reach him at 907 770-6700.


Shauna M. Birdsall